Saturday, August 15, 2009

Yesterday, I finally upgraded and bought an iphone. I've been very reluctant about texting in the past because it takes me forever to type a message. I'm 40ish and exactly like the parents trying to text in the now network commercials where the kids type 70 wpm. It makes me feel way too old. Hopfully the full keyboard will make it much easier for me. But...I'm going to bite the bullet and jump into "technology" as my eight year old would say.
I'm also tired of carrying around a date book/planner, notebook, phone and other junk in my purse so I'm hoping to, no....I'm forcing myself to only use this iphone for everything. I still have my doubts but I'm committed.
And the best part-I bought a sparkly gold and black zebra design cover for it!!! I love new technology!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wow, my first blog entry...

At the suggestion of my sister, I'm starting a blog about makeup and whatever else I happen to be excited about at the moment. In my real life, I'm a middle school teacher so my brain and patience is fried most of the school year. Right now I'm in denial that school starts next week.

After spending the past few days organizing my makeup, I've realized that I have an addiction. I really don't need anymore makeup but with all the fall collections coming out, I can't resist! I'm loving the fall collections of Guerlain, Bobbi Brown and YSL. I didn't mention Chanel, but I've already purchased both lipglosses and the blush from the Venice collection. I'm also liking all the MAC quads coming out. Yes, I know I have a problem. I'm hoping to review some of the many products I have and let you know what I think!